SingleMoms, #1

Fat Single Moms Will Rule The World -- and That's Good

Argument 1: If you are a divorced dad, you are a retard or a fuck-up.

We can go through the list like this, but every single time a divorce happens, the man is (a) a fuck-up, or (b) a retard, or (c) both. I dare you to find a counter-example.

My reasoning for this is pretty simple. I reviewed all of the cases of divorced dads I know and also researched online for most common causes of divorce. This may shock you, but it is nearly always true.

Argument 2: Any woman who saves a child from a fuck-up /retard father is worthy of respect.

This goes regardless of whether the woman is a fuck-up or retard. Going back to point A, a man who marries and procreates with a woman who is a fuck-up or retard is categorically one, the other, or both. In addition to this, we all know that it is not only the duty of a man to take care of his family, but also to discipline his family. A man who lets his wife leave him has already failed a prime duty of being a patriarch. Even if a man is a fuck-up and a retard, he is not a total failure as long as he can keep control of his wife and/or children. So, a woman who takes her children from a man who is not only a fuck-up and a retard, but also a failure of a man, is worthy of respect for knowing to get the hell out of that situation. Conversely, any fuck-up and retard of a man who gets his kids taken away is not worthy of respect.

Argument 3: Women of all kinds are slowly replacing men as the leaders of society.

Whether in academia, law, medicine, business, or politics, slowly but surely, it appears to be the case that woman are taking positions of power that, in time, will lead to them, in a sense, ruling the world.

Argument 4: Women of all kinds are tending toward divorce as well as obesity.

Due to the fact that so many men are fuck-ups and retards, divorce is on the rise, and shows no sign of slowing down. Incidentally, for whatever reason, obesity and being overweight are on the rise.

I have established that (a) fat single moms are more worthy of respect than single dads and (b) fat single moms will rule the world. If the alternative is single dads ruling the world, my case, as presented, is definitely the lesser of two evils.

Thus, quod erat demonstrandum, fat single moms will rule the world, and that's good.

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