ExplainCircumstances, #0

You explain to the store clerk that after your graduation party, you woke up in an unknown part of town with nothing but your PartyClothes, body and head sore, unsure of where to head next.

The man rubs his chin, staring at you.

"Well, kid..." he closes his eyes and rubs his head. "I really sympathize with your situation. If you head out to that BusStop outside, it should take you back towards home. I don't normally do this, but..." he digs around in his pockets "What the hell, your clown costume did make me chuckle. Here's some bus fare home. You may as well take a water bottle for the road."

"Just let em know: The Sageru Shop saved your ass."

The man hands over ThreeDollars and smiles at you.

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